Lexington Church of God Leadership
Lexington Church of God is blessed to have a leadership team who are truly dedicated to Christ and accomplishing His will. Following are brief bio's of our leadership team and their qualifications for ministry.
Pastor Rodney Merrill
Lead Pastor
Pastor Rodney Merrill has been serving as Lead Pastor at Lexington Church of God since August 4, 2013. Pastor Rodney prays and seeks God’s will for each service. He preaches what God lays on his heart. He desires to disciple others and see them draw closer to the Lord. He is a kind and caring pastor and allows the Holy Spirit to lead him.
Pastor Rodney has been happily married for 27 years to his wife, Mandy. They have two beautiful daughters, Jocelynn and Rylee.
Pastor Kevin Hedrick
Student Pastor
Pastor Kevin has a heart for the young people at Lexington Church of God. He manages the youth ministry from nursery all the way through high school. He teaches middle & high schoolers on Sunday mornings and Wednesday evenings, but is also in charge of VBS, Kid’s Resurrection Celebrations, youth rallies and organizing other youth related events.
Pastor Kevin serves with integrity and love. He is an integral part of the leadership at Lexington Church of God.
Mark Glidewell
Production Manager
From cameras, to live stream, and all things media, Mark leads the production and media team to make sure in-house and online services go off without a hitch.
Pastors Darcy & Pat Abbott
Visitation Pastors
Pastors Darcy & Pat Abbott have been serving as Visitation Pastors since 2022. They desire to serve the Lord by calling or visiting with elderly, sick or hospital bound individuals. They are compassionate and caring. Pastors Darcy & Pat spend time in prayer and are an encouragement to those they come in contact with. Lexington Church of God is blessed to have them in this leadership role.
Rylee Merrill
Worship Minister
Rylee Merrill is a talented and passionate worship leader who prays and seeks God’s will for the music for each service. She directs the praise team and choir and is also in charge of the Christmas cantanta, music workshops and any other worship related events.
Rylee has been singing from a very young age and has competed and won in several state related church competitions, traveling to International competitions. She has served at the Lexington Church of God Worship Minister since 2021.
Mandy Merrill
Administrative & Young Adults Pastor
Mandy Merrill has served as the Administrative Pastor at Lexington Church of God since April 2022. Prior to that, she served as the Administrative Assistant for the College & Career and Young Adults pastors at Lawndale in Greensboro, NC.
Mandy manages the website, social media platforms, church graphics and communications. She has a heart for the College & Career and Young Adults ages and teaches Bible Discovery for these groups on Sundays and Wednesdays. She enjoys organizing events and time with family.
Kelly Frady
Minister of Prophetic Studies
Kelly Frady leads the Digging Deep Bible Study each Monday night at 6pm. He digs into the scripture to help others understand the Word of God.
Kelly also rotates teaching the adult Bible Discovery Class on Sunday mornings at 9:30am. He is married to our pianist, Tanya Frady, and has one beautiful daughter, Hannah.